Delightful Dissent - Ep. 7 - People buy answers

With Simon Batchelar

Recorded live at 01:00 PM on Tuesday 15 December 2020

People buy answers

Finding new customers is all about confidence. You need to tell people exactly what their problem is and why you’re the best person to solve it. You won’t be taken seriously with a proven method to a defined outcome. But what if this approach is getting in the way?

In this episode I talk to Simon Batchelar about the assumption that “people buy answers”. We’ll explore whether this is the best way to build a business and an impact. We’ll talk about the role of empathy and of uncertainty in marketing. We will see if avoiding those harms the work that you do.

Simon is a marketing coach and digital marketing expert. He has been running a marketing agency for 18 years and has worked with over 400 small businesses. He is the co-founder of Marketing Success Club providing marketing training and coaching for small businesses that want to grow a better business.

If you enjoy the conversation and would like to to get in touch, Simon can be found at -

He's also offering a free marketing strategy call to people who join his growing, and also free, community, the Marketing Success Club. You can join the club and book your call here