Pay-as-you-feel payment guidance

Whilst pay-as-you-feel pricing makes things really flexible, it can also be hard to know if things are fair all round. This quick guide is intended to help you figure that out when you're working with me.

Factors which may increase what you want to pay:

  • The work you need is highly specialised and very few other people can help.
  • You have a secure income and/or earn above £50,000 a year or equivalent.
  • You live in a wealthier country than the UK.
  • You want to support access to this and other services for those with less income.
  • The main organisation you work for is solely or predominantly private-profit making (e.g. a limited company or a PLC).

Factors which may reduce what you want to pay:

  • You have a precarious income, and/or earn less than £50,000 a year or equivalent.
  • You are a member of multiple marginalised groups.
  • You live in a less wealthy country than the UK.
  • The main organisation you work for is solely or predominantly for community benefit (e.g. a charity or social enterprise).
  • This is one of a group of sessions you’ve had with me.

Ultimately, of course, it's up to you!

Please don't feel that we shouldn't work together if you can't afford the suggested price for work. One of the biggest reasons I do it this way is so we can.