Delightful Dissent - Ep. 6 - It's unprofessional to be your full self at work

With Sara Osterholzer

Recorded live at 01:00 PM on Wednesday 09 December 2020

It s unprofessional to be your full self at work

You are only credible when you work in a detached, professional manner. Showing too much emotion, or the wrong emotion at the wrong time, will hurt your reputation. And that will reduce your chances of success. But what if not expressing yourself fully was holding you back rather than helping you?

Join me as I talk to Sara Osterholzer about if “It's unprofessional to be your full self at work”. We’ll explore purpose-led work and how to create positive change. We’ll look at the role of mental health at work. We’ll find out if your performance review can be more than an assessment of how well you faked this year.

The world of business is changing and when it comes to small businesses, Sara Osterholzer is leading the charge. She believes there’s a different way to do business that positively impacts people and the planet while still being profitable and is demystifying what that looks likes to help business owners create businesses that make a difference to them and the world.

Sara’s not had a conventional career, or upbringing for that matter, so confesses she’s spent a lot of her adult life trying to play the part of “professional” or “normal”. She is now exploring her own self expression in the workplace, sharing her own experiences on taboo topics and exploring what part vulnerability plays in building her professional network.