Delightful Dissent - Ep. 23 - It's all on me?

With Sophie Turton

Recorded live at 04:00 PM on Wednesday 28 April 2021

It s all on me

We're told taking responsibility means upholding a set of standards, and making things the way they 'should' be. That if we don't keep striving for that ideal, we've failed. That we're to blame for what went wrong. But what if trying to do everything yourself makes it riskier, not safer? And what if all of the standards we strive for are actually an illusion?

In this episode of Delightful Dissent I'm talking to Sophie Turton about the idea "it's all on me". We'll explore the effect of the endless hustle on us and the people we care about. We'll see if there are other ways to lead and support those around us. We'll share our own experiences of dealing with responsibility, idealism, perfectionism, and the need to make things better.

Sophie Turton is co-founder of The Joyful, a brand and marketing agency for movers, shakers and change makers. A self-confessed over-achiever with an adventurous rebel heart,

Sophie has often found herself both fighting against and striving for the ideal, creating an internal battle that has often prevented her from living fully and joyfully. Now, Sophie is on a quest to build a business that works like clockwork and doesn't trap her in it, and she's getting curious about what created her addiction to the hustle in the first place.

You can find out more about Sophie's work at and get in touch via her LinkedIn -