Delightful Dissent - Ep. 17 - Business isn't personal?

With Ben Tucker

Recorded live at 01:00 PM on Tuesday 09 March 2021

Business isn t personal

We’re told that business is all about the numbers. That it’s the metrics that matter. That anything we do to score more than the others - to win - is just part of the game. But what if trying to win the game this way just makes us miserable?

In this episode of Delightful Dissent I’m talking to Ben Tucker about the assumption “Business isn’t personal”. We’ll explore how the way we think about work and business affects our whole lives. We’ll see if cutthroat competition is the only way to win the game. We’ll share our own approaches to finding joy and playfulness in serious stuff.

Ben is an immersive experience designer and director of Buckbuck Games. He has 20 years experience in the ad industry and is a lecturer in creativity for London College of Communications, BIMM University and California Polytechnic State University.

You can find out more about Ben's work and get in touch with him at - he's also offering a free upgrade to his interactive team games for Delightful Dissent viewers/listeners.